Locks and synchronization


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This LWN article was an attempt to give a side by side code comparison of how the same GPIO driver looks like written in C and Rust. Even though the synchronization code that ended up in the Linux Kernel is different from what we see there, it gives a good overview of how a driver using locking primitives could look like. For this blog post, we will focus on the locking and synchronization mechanisms used by C and Rust, that can be found in the latest Linux kernels.

For a more general explanation focusing on how to port a driver to Rust, check out this blog post.

Before deep diving into how locks are implemented in the Linux kernel using Rust, let us start with the general principle of locking in Rust. Rust programs are inherently memory and thread safe, given that the compiler assures at compile time that data can not be read and modified at the same time. Similar to the principle of rwlocks, which are multiple reader single writer locks, the Rust compiler makes sure that either multiple readers can have a non-mutable reference to a data element, or exactly one writer has a mutable reference at the same time. The mutable references have to be marked explicitly with the keyword mut in the code. Nevertheless, there are some specifics to using locks in the kernel, which we will dive into next.

The kernel APIs related to synchronization that have been ported or wrapped for usage by Rust code in the kernel can be found in rust/kernel/sync.rs. At the current state, that are the arc, condvar, lock and locked_by crates.

For the time being, we concentrate on the lock crate, where the types mutex::Mutex and spinlock::SpinLock are implemented.


The principle of a spinlock is, as the name suggest, when multiple threads attempt to lock the same spinlock, only one is allowed to progress at a time, while the other threads will continue spinning. As soon as the spinlock is unlocked, the next thread is be allowed to progress in its execution.

When looking at spinlock usage, the first apparent difference is the between Rust and C drivers lies in the include files. The functions and data relevant for spinlocks used in drivers written in C are located in #include <linux/spinlock.h>. For Rust drivers, the necessary data structs are located in rust/kernel/sync/spinlock.rs. The implementation in spinlock.rs is based the kernel’s spinlock_t. Instances of SpinLock need a lock class and to be pinned, which means that the data at a particular memory address will not and cannot be moved. It is “pinned” to that location. This is particularly important in async programming, because we often deal with “futures”. A future may contain references to its own data. If the future were to be moved to a different memory location, the reference would not be valid anymore, which would lead to undefined behavior.

The recommended way use spinlocks is therefore through the usage of the pin_init and new_spinlock macros. If you wanted to declare, allocate and initialize a struct Example, this is how you would code it:

use kernel::{init::InPlaceInit, init::PinInit, new_spinlock, pin_init, sync::SpinLock};

struct Inner {
    a: u32,
    b: u32,

struct Example {
    c: u32,
    d: SpinLock<Inner>,

impl Example {
    fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
        pin_init!(Self {
            c: 10,
            d <- new_spinlock!(Inner { a: 20, b: 30 }),

// Allocate a boxed `Example`.
let e = Box::pin_init(Example::new())?;
assert_eq!(e.c, 10);
assert_eq!(e.d.lock().a, 20);
assert_eq!(e.d.lock().b, 30);

new_spinlock is a macro that creates a spinlock and initializes it with the given name and newly-created lock class. If no name is given, it generates one based on the file name and line number.

macro_rules! new_spinlock {
    ($inner:expr $(, $name:literal)? $(,)?) => {
            $inner, $crate::optional_name!($($name)?), $crate::static_lock_class!())

We can also use interior mutability to modify the contents of a struct, despite only having a shared reference.

use kernel::sync::SpinLock;

struct Example {
    a: u32,
    b: u32,

fn example(m: &SpinLock<Example>) {
    let mut guard = m.lock();
    guard.a += 10;
    guard.b += 20;

All these examples are taken from the rust/kernel/sync/spinlock.rs file.

The implementation is backed by the underlying kernel spinlock_t object, and the functions __spin_lock_init, spin_lock and spin_unlock through FFI binding, which ensures mutual exclusion.

unsafe impl super::Backend for SpinLockBackend {
    type State = bindings::spinlock_t;
    type GuardState = ();

    unsafe fn init(
        ptr: *mut Self::State,
        name: *const core::ffi::c_char,
        key: *mut bindings::lock_class_key,
    ) {
        // SAFETY: The safety requirements ensure that `ptr` is valid for writes, and `name` and
        // `key` are valid for read indefinitely.
        unsafe { bindings::__spin_lock_init(ptr, name, key) }

    unsafe fn lock(ptr: *mut Self::State) -> Self::GuardState {
        // SAFETY: The safety requirements of this function ensure that `ptr` points to valid
        // memory, and that it has been initialised before.
        unsafe { bindings::spin_lock(ptr) }

    unsafe fn unlock(ptr: *mut Self::State, _guard_state: &Self::GuardState) {
        // SAFETY: The safety requirements of this function ensure that `ptr` is valid and that the
        // caller is the owner of the mutex.
        unsafe { bindings::spin_unlock(ptr) }


The implementation of the mutexes is very similar to what we already covered in the chapter on spinlocks. Instead of a spinlock_t, a struct mutex is used, but everything else is the same. Since, compared to spinlocks, mutexes can block, they should generally not be used in atomic contexts.

Mainline vs Rust for Linux

The spinlock implementation in the Rust for Linux project adds an abstractions for both, spinlock_t and raw_spinlocks_t. Raw spinlocks are guarantees not to sleep even on RT variants of the kernel.

Furthermore, while the spinlock implementation described in this blog post can be used in interrupt context, the programmer either needs to manually disable and restore interrupts on the local processor, or use the functions spin_lock_irqsave and spin_unlock_irqrestore, which take care of that. So while the code presented is a good start, more work is needed to make more Kernel spinlock functionality available to Rust.