

Rusty penguin. Created by DALL·E 3.

User Land

When is it used?

In user land, the programmer typically does not explicitly call an allocator. Instead, whenever you use types like Box, Vec or String, in the background the global allocator is used to allocate and free memory. This global allocator is part of the Rust standard library std. Therefore, in order to define your own allocator, you have to import the GlobalAlloc trait and implement it:

use std::alloc::GlobalAlloc

For userspace programs, the standard allocator used can be found in library/alloc/src/ Per default, if no custom allocator is defined to be used, the allocation call results in a call to System.alloc. The allocator used for the system can be hunted down through many abstraction layer to the libc crate, where the bindings for each operating system are implemented.

How to add an allocator

The trait std::alloc::GlobalAlloc defines the interface for global memory allocators. The Rust compiler plugs in the memory allocator that is actually used at compile time. If you want to add your own custom allocator, you have to implement this trait and, using attribute #[global_allocator], tell the Rust compiler to use this allocator instead of the default.

use std::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout};

struct MyAllocator;

unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for KernelAllocator {
    fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
        // Add memory and return a pointer to it

    fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, _layout: Layout) {
        // Free memory and return it to memory pool

static ALLOCATOR: MyAllocator = MyAllocator;

struct Layout contains information about the size of memory to allocate as well as the alignment requirement of the memory (which always need to be a power of two).

Writing your own memory allocator is useful only in certain situations, when you need fine-grained control over memory management. This can be the case when writing low level code for an embedded system, or an operating system, which brings us to the next chapter.

Kernel Land

Differences to User Land

One obvious differences to the userspace memory allocator is that the kernel memory allocator is operating in kernel space. Moreover, while the Rust standard library uses the system’s memory allocation APIs (e.g. malloc and free on Unix-like systems). In the Linux kernel space on the other hand, the kernel allocators are used (e.g. krealloc, kfree).

Instead of the std crate, which relies on underlying operating system services such as threads, files, networks, heap memory allocation, the kernel uses the core crate.

use core::alloc::GlobalAlloc

If you look at the difference in the alloc/ directory between Rust for Linux and rust-lang, you won’t see many differences. Most of the kernel specific allocation code you will find in the file rust/kernel/ The part that already made it mainline implements alloc and dealloc, which a person writing modules will not come in contact with anyways. More changes that might eventually be integrated can be found in the Rust-for-Linux repository. Those changes would use krealloc_aligned in order to prevent misaligned allocations, because the alignment guarantees provided by the SLAB allocator might be smaller than the ones required by the struct Layout. Unaligned memory access can lead to segmentation faults on some architectures, and slow down memory access on others.

struct KernelAllocator;

unsafe fn krealloc_aligned(ptr: *mut u8, new_layout: Layout, flags: bindings::gfp_t) -> *mut u8 {
    let layout = new_layout.pad_to_align();
    let mut size = layout.size();

    if layout.align() > bindings::ARCH_SLAB_MINALIGN {
        size = size.next_power_of_two();
    unsafe { bindings::krealloc(ptr as *const core::ffi::c_void, size, flags) as *mut u8 }

unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for KernelAllocator {
    unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
        unsafe { krealloc_aligned(ptr::null_mut(), layout, bindings::GFP_KERNEL) }

    unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, _layout: Layout) {
        unsafe { bindings::kfree(ptr as *const core::ffi::c_void); }
    // ...

The functions implemented use bindings to call the kernel alloc functions. The only gotcha is that you have to call krealloc instead of the usually used kmalloc function, because kmalloc is an inline function and can therefore not be bound to a result. In other words, bindings can only work on functions over a FFI (foreign function interface). But calling krealloc with a null pointern has the same effect as a call to kmalloc would have.

The function furthermore has to be wrapped in an unsafe {} block, because the compiler can not analyze C code and assure memory safety of that code, etc. The unsafe block tells the compiler not to bother analyzing this part of the code.